“Hijra, the Third Gender” fictions and nonfictions by Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa

“Hijra, the Third Gender” series have 9 books: 8 fictions and 1 nonfiction. In May 2015 Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa published “Enchanted into the Third Gender” as the English version of her successful Japanese novel with the same title. Seven more Hijra stories were published successively after that. She also wrote a non-fiction “Transgendered People of … Read more

Feminized for Dancing: Dance Like a Woman

Title: Feminized for Dancing Subtitle: Dance Like a Woman Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa Transgender Category: MTF The protagonist, hails from a family of Kathakali (a stylized classical dance) performers. His father, S. Raghavan is renowned for expertly portraying the roles of female characters in the dance-drama. One sultry night, the teenaged protagonist feels aroused when … Read more

what is Jamat for hijra?

Transgender festival, 2014
To  function effectively and to keep anarchy at bay, every human clan is divided along lines of a community. The hijras are no different. Most of them stay in a jamat (Urdu word meaning ‘getting together of elders’) and work both as an economic and social unit.

The head of the jamat is called the guru or the teacher. She instructs the chelas (disciples) on a day to day basis, exploits work from them, manages their activities and financial transactions. Spiritually, she is seen as a mother and protector of the hijras who, in most cases, have severed off all family ties. Hence to survive, it becomes necessary to organize themselves into a family-like clan.

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A Feminized President: Feminized Due To A Lost Bet

Title: A Feminized President Subtitle: Feminized due to a Lost Bet Series: Hijra, the Third Gender Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa Twenty-nine-year-old Rishab Tiwari has it all—health, wealth, a big-league company and a gorgeous wife. However, he squanders it all over an inebriated bet, which requires him to dress in drag for one whole year. Read … Read more

Abducted into the Third Gender – 180 Degrees Turn

  • Title: Abducted into the Third Gender
  • Subtitle: 180 Degrees Turn
    Series: Hijra, The Third Gender
  • Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa
  • Gender Swap Type: MTF


The main character is a big cheese star son abducted for ransom. Instead of shelling down the money, his father intimates the police. The criminal mafia has its own way of avenging this 180 degree turn. This, among other things, entails turning him into a girl.

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Genderless Exile – Forced into the Third Gender

“Genderless Exile” is one of the stories of “Hijra, the Third Gender” series. The story traces the life of Pankaj (later called as “Nina”) between 12 and 24 years approximately. Pankaj was the only son of a navy captain who is from a wealthy family. His mother dies of illness when he was 11, and … Read more

A Businessman in Saree: Enchanted into the Third Gender

  • Title: A Businessman in Saree
  • Enchanted into the Third Gender
  • Series: Hijra, the Third Gender
  • Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa
  • Gender Swap Type: MTF

[Introduction] A businessman who travels to a northern Indian city is fascinated by exotic beauty of a gypsy dancer. He is enchanted by her and gets into a situation in which he must undergo an irreversible change.

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Deserved Punishment: Conspired into the 3rd Gender

  • Title: Conspired into the Third Gender
  • Series: Hijra, the Third Gender
  • Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa
  • Gender Swap Type: MTF

A young sporty son of a rich family, adored and admired, gets abducted by scoundrels and loses both of his testicles. He lost “everything”.

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Born intersexed

  • Title: Born intersexed
  • Series: Hijra, the Third Gender
  • Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa
  • Gender Swap Type: MTF

This is an autobiography style fiction of a boy who was born from a prostitute mother in a brothel. He was born with intersexed genitals but was raised as a boy. India is one of the worst countries for an intersexed boy to be raised in. He lives under constant humiliation and hardship, but finally finds happiness as the wife of a foreigner and a mother of an adopted baby.

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A Dancer of the 3rd Gender

Title: A Dancer of the Third Gender Series: Hijra, the Third Gender Author: Yulia Yu. Sakurazawa Category: hijra, mtf-transgender This is an autobiography-style fiction about a son of an upper middle class Indian family, who wishes to learn Indian classical dance (“Kathak”) like his sister. In the local Indian community “acting like a girl” is … Read more